Sunday Lunch at Cringletie House Hotel

Cringletie house hotel is a Scottish Baronial mansion just outside Peebles in the Scottish Borders. Our visit was on cold November afternoon with mist rising up over the fields and rolling through the nearby mountainside. This really accentuated the warm welcoming feel of the hotel. As you traverse the woodland enclosed road across a small... Continue Reading →

Ultimate Autumnal Outfit

The last couple of months I have been looking for the perfect outfit for autumn, and I think I've finally nailed it! Not only is this super warm, its also perfect for last minute plans where you want to look a little nicer. My camel coat was from Missy Empire a few years ago, for... Continue Reading →

Dressing room Revamp!

When we decorated our bedroom we also just gave the "dressing room" a lick of white paint to freshen it up a bit. This room is a glorified cupboard with a window tacked onto the side of our bedroom, and has barely enough room to swing a cat. However, it's an ideal spot for getting... Continue Reading →

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